About Me

My definition of fashion; Fashion is the expression of one's self through garments and style.

I'm a Fashion Marketing Major. I've been in love with fashion since grade school. I'll never forget my first pair of Jordan's at the age of six, that started a chain reaction for my love of fashion. It took me a while to figure out that I'm suppose to be in the fashion industry but once I realized it, I quickly enrolled into the Art Institute of Charlotte for a Bachelor's! Yippie! I get excited just thinking about it. I would love to have my own fashion empire, own a boutique, fashion production or buying for corporations and independently owned boutiques. I'm pretty much open to anything :) regarding fashion!!!!!
My personal style is Romantic mixed with Classic, I love chiffon and silk flowing materials.  Authentic leather handbags are a must along with some banging heels the skinner the heel the better ;).
Things I like